Thursday, November 18, 2021

Make your Little one's Happy with Unique Lunch Ideas - Julias Table

Whether you are hosting a play date, having friends over for lunch, or just picking up an afternoon snack for the little one, you are likely to have the same problem every time... what on earth am I going to feed them?

Well, never fear, lunchtime warriors! There are simple lunch ideas for kids that will have the little ones coming back for seconds and begging you to pack them lunch again tomorrow.

*Be wary of allergy concerns when choosing lunch options for your child. Some lunch ideas may be hazardous if your child has a nut or dairy allergy*

**Lunch Ideas & Snacks**

Add some fun to lunchtime by following these kid-friendly lunch ideas:

Chicken Salad Sandwich - This is a classic favorite for adults and children alike! Mix drained canned chicken, a bit of mayo, half a teaspoon of mustard, salt, and pepper to taste, and chopped celery. Spread on two slices of bread (or one croissant), and you are set.

Celery & Cream Cheese - Spread cream cheese on one slice of bread (or a croissant) and top with celery sticks and carrot sticks. You can also add cucumber slices for a bit more flavor. Place the second slice of bread on top, and your lunch is ready to go!

Peanut Butter & Crackers - Fill half a lunchbox with peanuts or another nut butter if your child is not allergic, then fill the rest with Ritz crackers or other sturdy snack crackers.

Sunbutter & Crackers - Sunbutter is an alternative option to peanut butter that those who have peanut allergies can enjoy as well. Spread sun butter thinly across one side of several crackers of your child's choosing, and lunch is ready to go!

Fruit & Cheese - Cut up some cheese into bite-sized pieces and fill the lunchbox with your child's favorite fruit. This lunch option is straightforward to prepare if you are hosting a lunch for various children!

And last but not least, the Julia Table's Rolls Lunchables.

Julia's table rolls is a company that makes all-natural and GMO-free foods. They make wraps, tortillas, and flatbread with great kid-friendly flavors like peanut butter and jelly, pizza, and apple cinnamon. Parents can find these products at many grocery stores, including Costco Wholesale.

Julia's table offers different varieties such as whole wheat, gluten-free, sun-dried tomato basil, and spinach herb. Julia's products taste great, and many schools are now serving Julia's products during lunch! Julia's table knows how essential kids’ lunches can be, and they offer a kid-friendly recipe book with recipes that include Julia's products.

This makes lunchtime easy and delicious for both kids and parents. Julia's' website offers many varieties of these beautiful wraps. GMO-free table rolls meet the needs of all kinds of eaters, including vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, dairy-free, paleo, and low-carb diets.

Lunch ideas Julia's table is an excellent addition to your child's lunch box or school cafeteria menu because it is all-natural, made from wholesome ingredients that you will feel good about serving to your child. Lunch doesn't have to be a battle; lunchtime can be enjoyable and delicious with Julia's table lunch ideas. Lunch ideas are not only fun for kids, but they are also kid-friendly lunch ideas. Lunch can even taste great when you use brunch products! We all want our children to enjoy lunch, so we must make sure that lunch is nutritious and delicious.

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

Hair Loss Treatment

On average, we lose anywhere from 50 to 100 hairs each day. If you are shedding over 125 hairs in a day, notice bald patches or thinning hair, you are experiencing hair loss.

Apart from genetics, environmental and lifestyle factors also play a role in hair loss, such as

nutritional deficiencies

  • stress
  • a hormone imbalance
  • chronic illnesses
  • certain medications
  • treatments such as chemotherapy
  • damage to hair or scalp due to harsh chemicals, excessive use of heat, styling, or tight ponytails

In women, the additional risk factors include age above 40, menopause, pregnancy, and childbirth.

The Balancing Act: Hair loss treatments

Effective hair loss treatments begin with the identification of the cause. A board-certified dermatologist evaluates the scalp, the pattern of baldness, and the extent of damage to the hair apart from reviewing your medical and medication history. The dermatologist may order a scalp biopsy, blood tests, and other diagnostics as required to make an accurate diagnosis.

If the hair loss is due to tight ponytails/braids or excess heat, the doctor will recommend you to change your hairstyle and avoid the use of styling products.

If the blood tests reveal a nutritional deficiency, your doctor may prescribe a balanced diet rich in vitamins, minerals, and proteins. A supplement may also be prescribed to correct the deficiency. The most common nutrients linked to hair loss are iron, zinc, magnesium, protein, biotin, vitamin A, B complex vitamins, vitamin E and C.

Prescription medications

Finasteride with the brand name Propecia® is an FDA (Food and Drug Administration) approved prescription medication to treat hair loss in men due to androgenetic alopecia. This medication slows down hair loss while stimulating the growth of new hair.

Spironolactone is an option for women with female pattern hair loss that can increase hair thickness and stop further loss of hair.

If the hair loss is due to a fungal infection of the scalp, the doctor may prescribe antifungal medication.

Minoxidil or Rogaine® is a topical hair loss treatment that is applied to the scalp once or twice a day. Many people experience hair regrowth with minoxidil, although it can take anywhere from three to six months to see the results. The drawback is that hair stops growing once you stop using minoxidil.

Other hair loss treatments

Microneedling: A few studies show that microneedling can stimulate hair growth. This involves creating micro-injuries on the scalp using very small needles. It can also be combined with PRP (Platelet-rich-plasma) treatment where plasma rich in growth factors are infused into the micro-injuries.

Hair transplant: Hair transplant is a surgical process where hair follicles are removed from other parts of the body (such as legs) and planted on the bald areas.

Laser therapy: LLLT or low-level laser therapy is a non-invasive and safe way to treat hair loss. When used along with minoxidil, laser therapy helps improve blood circulation to the scalp and promotes hair growth.

Natural hair loss remedies such as onion juice, eggs, lemon juice, herbal teas, and oils may also help with performing the balancing act when it comes to restoring hair health.

Wednesday, May 5, 2021

How to Work at Home with Kids (Realistic Tips)

Since the start of the pandemic, many people have found themselves working at home. Working at home comes with a lot of advantages as well as disadvantages. Often, people working from home will have children in their homes or have other family-related matters occur.

Working from home with kids is not an ideal workplace, but it is possible to make it work. Managing your kids while getting your job done efficiently is not the easiest thing to do. However, with these tips, we assure you that you will be able to find a happy medium.

Now that we are nearly over a year into the pandemic, managing family-related matters and work-related manners might feel like a breeze. However, we are all still struggling to find a happy balance between work and home life in some way.

If you are struggling to work from home during this pandemic, continue reading to learn some tips that may be of assistance to you and your family to juggle both your home and work life. The Balancing Act show understands how difficult this pandemic has been on families, especially those working remotely or unemployed during the pandemic.

Stick to a Schedule or Routine

Sticking to a schedule or routine is one of the most successful ways to work from home with kids. Things often happen that are out of your control, but working to balance your schedule daily will ensure that things run smoothly.

The Balancing Act show recommends setting alarms throughout the day for you and your children to stick to your daily schedule. When it comes to working from home with kids, it's essential to know that you may need to be flexible regarding specific due dates on things. An efficient way to get started in creating a schedule is to have a weekly family meeting.

Manage Screen Time

While working from home, it can be challenging to entertain your child at all hours of the day. It may seem like the easiest solution to pop your child in front of the TV or in front of the iPad and let them run free. However, if your child has become codependent on-screen time, it can be challenging to break them of this habit.

There are so many other unique ways to entertain your child that don’t involve being in front of a screen. Pinterest and Tik Tok are great platforms to look for innovative and creative games or artistic forms of entertainment for your child.

If you are looking for ways to entertain your child from home is make-at-home slime with them. Making slime is a fun and simple activity that can keep your child entertained for hours while you catch up on your work.

You may want to consider setting clear guidelines on how much screen time your child can have daily. You can even develop a reward system that helps your child to have more screen time. One way to make the most of your child's time is to make these rewards something that they enjoy doing, but it's also beneficial for you.

If your child loves to help you in the kitchen, let them help you prepare dinner with you. This will save you time cooking dinner and will uniquely reward your child.

Dedicate Your Own Workspace

Dedicating a room or office in your house is possible is key to working at home with kids. You may even want to set certain boundaries in this room for your children. Having a space that you can unwind and focus is essential to having a productive workday with children in the home.

Your children may even be struggling with going to school virtually as well. If you have space and feel it is practical, let your child have their own at-home office as well. This can give them a strong sense of independence and keep them away from your work area.

Accept Help From Others

Entertaining your kids and working from home is not easy. Accepting help from others, such as hiring a babysitter, looking to your family and friends, and your partner is expected and crucial. You may find yourself overwhelmed at many points throughout the day. It is entirely normal to feel overwhelmed and drained physically and emotionally. This is where seeking assistance is beneficial.

For many families, it can be challenging to afford a babysitter. In this case, you may want to consider working with other working moms and hire one babysitter to watch all of your children. This way, childcare becomes much more affordable, and your children are also around other children their age.

Communication is Key

Communication with your co-workers as well as your boss is vital to working at home. Your boss is likely to understand that working from home has an impact on your work life. The pandemic changed many people's lives drastically as well as those working mothers and fathers.

Having an open line of communication with all the people in your life will help you work from home and further your relationships with your co-workers and boss.

Communication is also vital when it comes to your family life. Just because you are at home all of the time with your children does not mean you are spending quality time with your children. It is still essential to do things with your children that they enjoy doing, such as going to the park, playing sports, or doing art.

Final Thoughts

Overall, working from home can be extremely difficult. However, it is possible to do. Be sure to give yourself praise for all of the hard work you do and manage all of your family-related matters. The Balancing Act show is here for you to provide further assistance in tips when it comes to managing your home and work life.

Remember that you can do this and take each day as it is. There's no reason to overwhelm yourself, don't get frustrated just because the day did not go as scheduled. Working from home is still new for many people. Don't be afraid to ask for help or seek assistance from others.

Saturday, April 10, 2021

Kitchen Hacks to Save Time and Money

Let's face it, life can get extremely busy and you don't always feel like cooking big elaborate meals in the kitchen or cleaning the kitchen that takes up a lot of time and effort. But, thanks to kitchen hacks, you'll be able to save tons of time and money! How cool is that?

If you're interested in finding out what type of kitchen hacks could help save you time and money during a busy week, then make sure to keep reading to find out hacks that will make you happy and content with life!

We could all use a little help, especially during these challenging and uncertain times. If you’re struggling with trying to balance your crazy busy schedule then tuning in to the Balancing Act TV show on Lifetime may help reduce some of that stress!

With that being said, wouldn't it be amazing if you'd be able to get all of your cleaning, food making, work, and anything else that you have to juggle with on a day-to-day basis in a timely manner rather than stressing out about everything needing to be taken care of? If so, then keep in mind that you can find various money saving tips on the Balancing Act show, how cool!

Additionally, it’s important for you to realize how amazing kitchen hacks can be. Whether you're a person with roommates, have an entire family, or living by yourself, these hacks are meant for all of you. So, stick around, you won’t want to miss out on these helpful time saving tips!

1. Food Can Turn to Leftovers!

One of the best kitchen tips to save time and money is the fact that you can take the meal you made for dinner and turn it into leftovers for the next day! You can save on money by heating up your delicious leftovers and you're all set to enjoy the meal for a second time either at lunch or dinner.

However, if you'd rather spice up your leftovers and not eat the same exact thing twice in a row then you may want to consider making it different with various seasonings or putting other toppings on it. This will make it an entirely different meal while still saving money in the meantime. You can't beat that!

If you're interested in finding out more ways that you can spice up your leftovers and create a whole new dish, then make sure to check out an article that discusses all the creative ways you can turn leftover food into new meals. This allows you to get a better understanding of all of the amazing meals you can make with your leftovers, ranging from chicken all the way to pasta. How exciting!

2. Time-Saving Cubes!

You may think that ice cubes can only be used for freezing ice but contrary to popular belief, it's a universal item! If you're always on the go and you would like to save some time in the kitchen, then you may be interested in freezing some easy ingredients that will help you out in the long run.

Let's say you are in a hurry and your meal consists of adding wine to make it a delicious and mouth-watering entree then all you have to do is pop out the frozen wine cubes and toss it into the pan for quick and easy access! You no longer have to scurry around the kitchen to find wine bottles because now you can just take out your ice cube tray and your ingredients will be there to use anytime you're ready.

According to Taste of Home, “Ice cube trays aren’t just for ice. By freezing a few easy ingredients, you can save yourself tons of time later. Put some of your favorite herbs and olive oil in tray compartments to cook potatoes, vegetables, or chicken on another day.”

As you can see from above, it doesn't have to be just wine that you freeze, it can also be your favorite herbs and olive oil in order to help cook your food items to make them as delicious as possible for all to eat. This is just one of many great kitchen tips!

3. Feeling Tacos? Make Your Own Shells!

It can't be denied, tacos are amazing and a lot of people tend to enjoy eating them. However, it may be a hassle with how time-consuming they can be when making them yourself. But, a great time saving tip when making tacos is to create your own taco shells.

Not only can you save time when creating your own taco shells but you can cut down on the waste that tends to happen when you already buy pre-packaged shells. So, all you have to do is take tortillas of your choice and simply drape them over your oven rack and have them cooked in minutes!

Kitchen tips such as this one is a quick and easy way to create delicious and crispy taco shells to have the perfect taco. Now, who wouldn't want an amazing taco while also reducing waste to help save the environment? You can make as many as you want with this awesome time-saving tip!

If you want more fun and easy tips then make sure to check out the Balancing Act TV show that’s on Lifetime to find even more ways to save money and time! You won’t want to miss all of the money saving tips the Balancing Act TV show has in store for you!

Final Thoughts?

No matter how crazy and busy life can get, it's important to take a step back for a second and understand that there's a wide variety of hacks out there to make your life a little easier. Hopefully, you’re able to use some of these kitchen hacks to save time and money so you can spend more time on spending time with your family and enjoying time to yourself!

If you’re ever in need of relaxing and practicing some self-care for yourself then watching the Balance Act TV show that aires on Lifetime may allow you to destress. You never know what money saving tips you may encounter while watching the Balancing Act.

Friday, February 26, 2021

Easy and Effective Tips to Budget Your Finances

Finding a budget that works for you is essential for saving money. Budgeting is an essential skill that everyone should be familiar with, however, it can be difficult when just starting out to come up with a budget.

There are a variety of services to help you manage your budget, however, through plenty of research Balancing Act on Lifetime Network has some of the best money-saving, budget, and finance tips. When creating a budget it is essential to have a guide as well as a strong starting place.

Budgeting can look different for each household as all people make a different amount of money and have different expenses from health insurance, rent, food, children, and other necessities. If you are looking to set up a budget and have more financial freedom continue reading to learn some money-saving tips today.

What are the Benefits of a Budget?

There are so many benefits of having a budget. Many people are spending more than they make in a month on incidentals and do not realize how much they could be saving by creating a budget for themself.

Once you have calculated how much money you make and how much money you spend a month you can better budget and plan for the future.

Budgeting can help you:

  • Get out of debt
  • Stop living paycheck to paycheck
  • Build your savings/an emergency fund

How to Budget your Money?

When it comes to creating a budget start small here are a few simple things you can do to get started.

  • Know your monthly income and calculate a method that works for you and monitor your progress throughout the first few months.
  • Try the 50/30/20 rule as a budgeting plan
    • 50% of your monthly budget goes to essentials
    • 30% of your monthly budget goes to wants
    • 20% goes to your savings

What are essential that go to my 50% you may be wondering?

  • Groceries
  • Housing
  • Utilities
  • Transportations
  • Insurance
  • Minimum loan payments
  • Child care

While every budget plan works differently for everyone this is just one easy budget tip to get you started.

Where do 30% of your wants go?

Separating your wants from needs is vital when it comes to financing tips. Some of the most common wants include dinners, gifts, travel, and entertainment. Everyone has different wants and needs. Some people look at a Netflix subscription as they want, while others need it. Is it important to determine your wants from your needs in your budget plan for these money-saving tips to be effective?

Where is 20% of my monthly budget going?

20% of your monthly budget could be going to your savings to either pay off future debt or think about your financial future to have extra income in the future for more wants or an unexpected situation that arises.

6 Tips for Successful Budgeting

Now that you have a method to budget with let’s put your budget into perspective. Balancing Act on Lifetime Network as well as many different tips for planning a successful budget.

Be realistic

Budgeting your life is not easy, it can be even harder than going on a diet or eliminating something from your life. Just like dieting everyone deserves a cheat day. When creating a budget for yourself keep in mind the things that mean most to you such as entertainment or eating out. You can still do these things, just in moderation.

Consider automated withdrawals into your savings

It can be hard to start out taking 20% out of your monthly income to put into your savings. It is okay to start small, maybe start with 10% and work your way up to 20%. When the money has been automatically deposited into your savings account this will help reduce the temptation to spend it.

Use an online tool to budget

Mint is a free online tool that will help you keep track of your budget and provide you with set goals each week to reach your financial goals through tips that the app provides. The Balancing Act on Lifetime Network is a great tool to find and utilize budget tips. Online tools help you understand how much you are getting paid and where a majority of your paycheck needs to go.

Set up an emergency fund

Accidents happen, such as a fender bender, a broken arm, or a surprise hospital visit. Budgeting for a surprise accident can make regular expenses such as rent, food, and transportation easier to manage throughout the month. There could also be a month you are out of work for being sick and this emergency fund will help make up for lost time and wages.

Find a plan to deal with debt

If you are drowning in student loans or debt creating a budget that pays off a good portion of your debt each month is important to creating a successful budget plan. If you owe a large amount of money on loans or debt paying a little over the monthly amount could be a useful strategy for you to start paying off your bills.

Adjust your budget

A budget should adhere to your life and plan. Such as your goals for the future. Saving money is difficult, but it can also be fun and very rewarding. Of course, there may always be changes that have to be made to your budget due to unforeseen circumstances.

Budgeting can Track More than Just Money

A budget can help you improve your credit score and get you out of financial insecurity. You will also be able to track your life and what in your life is a priority and what is a need.

Where Can I go for Assistance?

If you are looking for budget and finance tips there are plenty of resources that are here to help you. Balancing Act on Lifetime Network has plenty of money-saving tips to help you get started to create a budget that works best for you.

Remember that everyone is different and has different expenses. It is important to create a budget that is curated towards you and your needs. It is never too late to create a budget and save for the future.

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Shopping Tips: Saving Money On Clothes Or Home Items

I believe shopping should be considered a hobby and I’m not afraid to say it. If you find joy in online shopping or visiting the mall, try incorporating these shopping tips and money-saving tips into your routine.

Whether you like to shop at department stores, online retailers, or small businesses, this article will help you get the most bang for your buck.

Visit your local thrift store

Visiting a thrift or second-hand store is an adventure in itself. You can spend hours digging through bins and combing through racks to find a gem. There is no telling what your local thrift store has in stock, so head in with an open mind because you never know what you will find!

Thrift stores generally have low-priced items as it is, but many stores will have sale sections or dedicate certain days of the week to offer discounts to certain people.

Thrifting is recognized as an eco-friendly way to buy clothing and home items. Instead of heading straight to a landfill, you can give these items a second chance to get more use out of them.

Many thrift stores donate money to local programs and charities, so you can feel good about where your money is going. If you have any items that you no longer use that you cannot sell on platforms like Facebook Marketplace, Poshmark, or Mercari, consider donating to thrift stores.

If you are wary of wearing or using second-hand items, give them an extra wash and they should be as good as new!

Take advantage of shopping holidays

If you are someone that loves finding and buying gifts for other people, consider making or having a list in mind as soon as you think of an idea.

If you have a long list of people that you want to buy Christmas or Hanukkah gifts for, the weekend following Thanksgiving should be your time to shine.

Starting the day after Thanksgiving with Black Friday, make a list of the stores you want to visit in person and research what discounts they will be offering. Having a list beforehand will make your trip to the mall a lot less hectic.

After Black Friday, many local businesses will be celebrating Small Business Saturday. Buying gifts on Small Business Saturday is a great way to support businesses in your community, and gifting local is more thoughtful than you realize.

If you prefer to browse and buy things online, Cyber Monday will be your new favorite holiday. Many online retailers will offer discounts and/or free shipping on Cyber Monday, and your gifts will end up on your doorstep in time for the holidays.

Ask for discounts

You might have to muster up some courage for these money-saving tips, but it will be worth it when you check your credit card bill! The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television offers some shopping tips to take advantage of in-store.

If you are a sewing expert, don’t be afraid to take a chance on damaged clothing items. When checking out, point out the defect to the salesperson and ask if it is possible to get a discount. Many times, store managers will offer a discount knowing that the damaged item will most likely not be sold otherwise.

According to Balancing Act Deals, many large department stores offer price-matching on certain items. Before you visit a store, check out other stores online to see what their prices are. If the store you are visiting in person is selling the item for more than what you saw online, show the listing to a manager to see if they will match the price.

The Balancing Act on Lifetime Television reminds us to always be respectful to salespeople and managers because sometimes discounts are out of their hands.

Always check for online coupons

One of the best money-saving tips comes from a simple Google search. There are many online platforms that are available to you for free that can help you save money. Before you hit the “complete purchase” button on your online cart, check out these resources.

Honey, an app that works through a browser extension, automatically finds discounts for online retailers. Honey has partnered with retailers around the world for exclusive discounts. The Honey extension will automatically enter all known discount codes for the website you are on, meaning you don’t have to lift a finger!

Rakuten is another online platform that allows you to get cashback on certain purchases. Similar to Honey, Rakuten is a browser extension that will automatically tell you if you can get cashback on the website you visit. When you earn a certain amount of cashback, Rakuten will mail you a physical check that you can deposit right into your bank account!

One of The Balancing Act’s favorite deals is the app Kids Meal Deals. If you are a parent, this app will show you family-friendly restaurants near you, as well as any promotions going on, including where kids can eat free.

The bottom line

Being a self-proclaimed shopaholic can be fun until it takes a toll on your wallet. Many of the money-saving tips above only add a few minutes to your shopping trip but will be worth it in the long run.

Whether you are spending your money at a thrift store, local small business, or national retailer, there is almost always a trick to save money.

If you have the time, do research on the store you are visiting beforehand so you can confidently ask for discounts. Plan out your shopping trip so that you visit on a day that will have a promotion.

We all hate those pesky promotional emails that we cannot seem to stop getting, but they can be a great shopping tool. Consider creating a specific email address that you will dedicate to promotional content. You can turn these notifications off, but revisit the email when you are looking for something specific.

Saving money is easier than you think, and these tips will prove it to you!

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Mental Health Resources for Stress and Anxiety

Although the new coronavirus strain affects the respiratory system, we have to take care of our minds as well. As many people are locked in their homes during this period, caring for our mental health during lockdown becomes important. It is important because not every person will react positively to staying at home for long periods of time. While some people may feel relaxed and happy while working from home, others may feel anxious and stressed, especially because of the isolation and lack of socialization. Other people may feel worried about their finances and the uncertainty caused by the pandemic.

For most of us, these feelings of anxiety and stress will pass. We will recover and get back on track in a matter of months, but other people may require therapy. People who need mental health support should be able to receive it and must know how to protect themselves. Here's a short guide:

Check your benefits and employment rights

Our financial situation is the main cause of anxiety and stress during the pandemic. People are often worried about finances and the workload if they have to stay at home. Will I have enough money? Will there be enough work for me? These are just a few questions many of us ask ourselves. In time, this extended anxiety and stress can have a negative effect on mental health.

Firstly, talk to your employer and learn more about the work process and the quantity of work you will have to do. Ask whether you are eligible for sick pay and other benefits. Also, pay attention to the federal and state programs for employees during the coronavirus pandemic.

Plan practical things

You may find it difficult to go to the local supermarket during this period. If you are unable to do it, find a delivery service, or ask your friends or family for assistance. Similarly, continue accessing the support and treatment options you can. You should continue treating both your physical and mental health during lockdown. If possible, let your caretakers know you are staying at home and cannot attend all your medical appointments. Discuss with your caretakers how you can continue to receive support during this period.

If you need regular medicine, call your doctor and ask for a repeat prescription. Some drug stores have apps and websites that let you order online, even for prescribed drugs. Contact your doctor and your drug store to learn more about getting your medicine. Some drug stores offer delivery services, while others do not. Ask a friend or a family member to get them for you.

If you take care of someone during this period and have to stay at home, find someone else who can help out. Let your local social services know about your situation.

Stay connected

Socialization is critical during this period. It reduces anxiety and stress and makes us feel appreciated and loved. Try to maintain healthy relationships with the people you trust and love. It's important for your mental health and can help you a lot. Try to stay in touch with the important people in your life, even if this connection is remote. Luckily, technology is here to help – phone calls, video calls, social media, and texting are good ways to keep in touch.

Talk about your worries

Remember that feeling anxious, stressed, and worried during the pandemic is perfectly normal. You may also feel helpless, isolated, scared, and uncertain. Be open about your feelings and talk to the people you love. Share your concerns with others – you will feel better and the people you talk to will feel better. If you don't have someone to talk to, there are plenty of helplines that provide support for mental health during lockdown.

Be active

Look after your body – being physically active helps a lot during this period. You'll feel better, you'll feel motivated and be less anxious and stressed. What's more, you will easily avoid falling into unhealthy patterns of behavior that will make you feel worse. Try to eat healthy, well-balanced meals, drink plenty of water, and exercise, preferably outside. Even a small walk in the park helps a lot. Try to be active as much as possible. Also, avoid drinking, smoking, and drugs. If you prefer to stay indoors, there are many free online classes for virtually any type of physical exercise imaginable.

Stay on top of difficult feelings

Being concerned about the coronavirus pandemic is normal. However, extreme anxiety and stress are not normal. Try to avoid becoming too anxious or stressed by focusing on the things that are under your control. Focus on how you act, how you speak, what you read, and what types of news you read. Acknowledge that there are things outside your control that should not create further anxiety for you. Try to avoid thinking about the things that make you anxious.

Do not stay glued to the news

Staying informed is important, but don't exaggerate. Try to limit the time you spend reading, watching, or listening to coverage of the outbreak. This includes both traditional media and social media. Turn off the news alerts on your phone and set a specific time to read the updates. Use only trustworthy sources of information.

Do the things you enjoy

Doing the things you really like is a great way to avoid feeling worried, anxious, or stressed. If you have a hobby, focus on it and expand your interest in other hobbies. Keep your day busy and stay active. Good ideas for hobbies are reading, writing, crosswords, jigsaws, baking, painting, and drawing. No matter what you choose, do it constantly, and stay active. Similarly, you can try learning a new skill – there are plenty of tutorials online, and most of them are free. You can also join online clubs – like reading clubs or watch online events, like concerts or conferences.

Make your Little one's Happy with Unique Lunch Ideas - Julias Table

Whether you are hosting a play date, having friends over for lunch, or just picking up an afternoon snack for the little one, you are likely...